Price: NGN 2000 From Jan 2018.

Download Nigerian Society of Engineers Past Questions. Please note that this is just one of the many study materials we have put together for you. As soon as you make payment, the materials will be sent to your email. In addition, you will provided with a NSE and COREN registered Engineer you can speak with for advice and information on NSE related matters.  The Study Pack sells for N2000

Kindly download Q and A App on Google Playstore . Locate the NSE section and download your choice resources. If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

 The NSE Exam prep pack includes the following 

  • Past question and Answer – Year 2018 – 2006, consists of Part A (Objective test), Part B (Computer test Objective and theory) and Part C (Essay). Note that not all are answered
  • Presentation on Design Fundamentals
  • Material on Engineering Practice in Nigeria
  • Engineering application of Info Technology
  • Introduction to Consulting Engineering
  • Introduction to Cost Engineering
  • NSE Computer related Questions
  • Professional Ethics in Nigeria
  • Maintenance in Engineering Practice and
  • Legal Issue paper
  • Sample Technical Report

You will find that we are giving you the materials at a give away price. Our greatest joy is for you to become a qualified Engr. We wish you the best in your preparations.

admin has written 10 articles


    1. admin says:

      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 1000 Naira only.
      Note: Recharge card payments have been discontinued.

      Amount payable to:
      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      Use Exam prefix before “Name” as payer eg. NSE Segun Ogez

      2. Send payment evidence and your email address to send sms to 07052198183 for enquiry.

      As soon as the payment is confirmed, the soft copy of the Past question/ebook will be sent to you by mail.

      We are working towards making payment via MasterCard, VisaCard and Paypal available. In the meantime, consider cash lodgement at the bank and mobile/online transfer.

      Library Administrator

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

      1. Sadiq says:

        I would like to know how many past questions or number of pages or year range contained in the ebook before I purchase – can you please indicate? I am particularly interested in Civil Engineering related stuff.

        1. admin says:

          Dear Sadiq, Thank you for your enquiry. Kindly note that all Engineering discipline sit for the same exam. The NSE Exam prep pack includes the following

          One Past question and Answer – 23 pages, consists of Part A (Objective test), Part B (Computer test Objective and theory) and Part C (Essay).
          Presentation on Design Fundamentals
          Material on Engineering Practice in Nigeria
          Engineering application of Info Technology
          Introduction to Consulting Engineering
          Introduction to Cost Engineering
          NSE Computer related Questions
          Professional Ethics in Nigeria
          Maintenance in Engineering Practice and
          Legal Issue paper

        1. admin says:

          Hello Niyi

          Thank you for your interest and enquiry.

          Our NSE Study Pack includes questions from 2016 – 2015 and other years exclusive of year 2017. It also include a sample of Technical report. In addition, upon purchase of our Study pack, you will receive contact no of NSE members you can call for guidance, one of them is a Civil Engr.

          The study pack sell for N2000 beginning from Jan 1, 2018. The Amount is payable to our Bank Account, see details below:

          Application Wheel Koncepts
          First Bank

          We look forward to your patronage and wish you success ahead of the exams.

          Olorunfemi Babatunde –
          Library Administrator

          1. ekezie says:

            pls i would like to get one of the NSE Study Pack includes questions from 2016 – 2015 and other years exclusive of year 2017.and any other info regarding the NSE forms , Exam date . how much is the cost for form. i am new here i Abuja pls i need urgent responds, thanks

          2. admin says:

            Dear Emeka,

            Thank you for your interest and enquiry.

            Our NSE Study Pack includes questions from 2016 – 2015 and other years exclusive of year 2017. It also include a sample of Technical report. In addition, upon purchase of our Study pack, you will receive contact no of NSE members you can call for guidance, one of them is a Civil Engr.

            The study pack sell for N2000 beginning from Jan 1, 2018. The Amount is payable to our Bank Account, see details below:

            Application Wheel Koncepts
            First Bank

            We look forward to your patronage and wish you success ahead of the exams.

            Olorunfemi Babatunde –
            Library Administrator

          3. Likah says:

            I heard the questions are respective to your division (discipline), meaning the questions are different for each discipline. Do you have past questions for Chemical Engineers?

          4. casey says:

            Pls, are you sure you have all these materials you promised for NSE? And how can one be sure this is not a fraud?
            Do you equally have 2017 included in the PQ.
            Do you have a WhatsApp group one could join?
            Pls I’ll appreciate if you can provide answers to my questions above.
            Thank you.

          5. admin says:

            Hi Casey, if you read through the thread, you’d find evidence of alot of people who have used our materials and now proud members of the Nigerian Society of Engineers.

          6. Dare Ifekoya says:

            Dear Femi,
            Can I recent past question for NSE Graduate exams? Aside these past questions what do you need to prepare for this Graduate exams? More importantly how long does it take one to be prepared for this exam.

          7. admin says:

            Apologies for the delayed response. Yes you can get recent past Questions, download them from Q and A App, Download Q and A App from Google Playstore Asides from the Past Questions, you need to register with a NSE local branch and attend their seminars. Also, you need to prepare your Technical report. How long it takes to prepare for the exam is kind of personal, the timeline cannot be generalized – however, one month of serious preparation should be enough.

      2. Edward OMUBO says:

        PLS ADMIN i have challenge with my on going nse registration b/c my two proposers dues payment are not up to date.
        Can you help solve this problem.

        How can I get NSE members whose payment are up to date especially the newly registered members of year 2017.

        i will also like to buy the past nse questions .

      3. Mahmud Hussaini says:

        I would like to know how many past questions or number of pages or year range contained in the ebook before I purchase – can you please indicate? I am particularly interested in Mechanical Engineering related stuff

        1. admin says:

          Dear Mahmud, thank you for reaching out. Our NSE study pack is 50 pages and covers questions from 2005 – 2017. Over 300 individuals have used it and many have come back to say it was very useful. We also have sample NSE and COREN Mechanical Engineering technical reports.

          Kindly download the Study pack from the Professional Exam sections of Q and A App. Install the App from Playstore

          If you have further questions, do not hesitate to ask.

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Dear Owolabi,
      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

        1. admin says:

          Thank you for contacting Knowbase.

          Recharge Card received and confirmed Valid.

          The past questions have been sent to your email.

          Kindly acknowledge receipt and be kind enough to leave a honest review, comment about our response time and the quality of study materials sent to you.


    1. admin says:

      Dear Ibanga,

      Apologies for the delayed response to your query.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Dear Alex,
      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

  1. Samson says:

    I really appreciate you and the efforts put towards gathering this materials. Wildlife to have it please. May God prosper you in all of your endeavours in Jesus name Amen.

    1. admin says:

      Dear Samson,

      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question and study materials will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Thank you Samuel for patronizing Knowbase. Kindly leave a comment here to confirm receipt of the past question and study materials. I saw your receipt confirmation mail though. It wont hurt if you also confirm it here. Best of luck in your preparations.

  2. chris says:

    I want the past questions but can’t find MTN voucher where I am presently. Can I use GTB 737 to transfer the 500 naira airtime. You have my email address for the phone no to transfer to.


    1. admin says:

      Contact No have been sent to you by email. Kindly confirm Transfer as soon as you do. The Study materials will be sent as soon as you get back to us. Do ensure to acknowledge receipt of document here. Wishing you success as you prepare for your exams.

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for contacting Knowbase Mbanefo. The past questions will be sent as soon as the voucher is received and confirmed valid. We wish you success as your prepare for the NSE exams.

  3. ope says:

    Good day, I am also in need of the NSE past questions. Pls can you send me your contact number to make the N500 airtime transfer. Thanks. Do you also handle technical report writings too?

  4. Alhaji says:


    Pls can someone help with examples of the kind of questions asked during oral interview?

    Also, how difficult are they? How long does it take per person? How many panelists should I expect to face? How many questions each?

    Thank you.

    1. admin says:

      The oral interview question is drawn from the proposal submitted by individuals. You will be required to submit a technical proposal that contains your work experience and project implemented by you/you were part of.

      The Number of panelist depends on the branch of NSE in question. The Number ranges from 3 – 10. I hope you find our response insightful and helpful.

      If you have further enquiry do not hesitate to ask.

    1. admin says:

      It depends on the branch you are registered with. Here is an idea of the fees to be paid, using Umuahia as example
      Registration on NSE online – 25,000
      Branch due for form signing – 15,000
      Branch Workshop – 15,000
      Zonal Workshop – 25,000
      I advice you visit the nearest NSE office within your location for further information.

    1. admin says:

      Dear Olusola,

      Thank you for contacting Knowbase. We only have NSE past question and study materials at the moment.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question and study materials will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 500 Naira only.

      For ease of payment, consider sending MTN recharge Card worth the amount to

      As soon as the payment is received, the soft copy of the Past question and study materials will be sent to you by mail.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      The NSE Exam prep pack includes the following

      1. One Past question and Answer.
      2. Presentation on Design Fundamentals
      3. Material on Engineering Practice in Nigeria
      4. Engineering application of Info Technology
      5. Introduction to Consulting Engineering
      6. Introduction to Cost Engineering
      7. NSE Computer related Questions
      8. Professional Ethics in Nigeria
      9. Maintenance in Engineering Practice and
      10. Legal Issue paper
    1. admin says:

      Dear Bright, all engineering discipline sits for the same examination. Be assured that you will get the questions as soon as you make your purchase. If you take your time to read through the comments here, you will find that a number of individuals that have paid for it got value for their purchase. We want to extend the same to you. Thank you for the enquiry. Your success at the exams is our priority.

  5. admin says:

    Dear all, this is to inform you that the past questions is Now available for 1000 Naira only. payable to the account details below:

    Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
    Account No: 2026223520
    Bank: First Bank.
    Use NSE prefix before “Name” as payer eg. NSE Segun Ogez

    2. Send payment evidence and your email address to send sms to 08120252692 for enquiry.

    We are working towards making payment via MasterCard, VisaCard and Paypal available. In the meantime, consider cash lodgement at the bank and mobile/online transfer.

    1. admin says:

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 1000 Naira only.

      Amount payable to

      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.
      Use Exam prefix before “Name” as payer eg. NSE Segun Ogez

      2. Send payment evidence and your email address to send sms to 07052193183 for enquiry.

      As soon as the payment is confirmed, the soft copy of the Past question/ebook will be sent to you by mail.

      We are working towards making payment via MasterCard, VisaCard and Paypal available. In the meantime, consider cash lodgement at the bank and mobile/online transfer.


      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Dear Uzoamaka, all Engineering Discipline sit for the same examination and yes, all the materials we have in respect to the examination will be sent to you. Inaddition, you will be assigned to a NSE and COREN registered Engineer who you can always contact when you need advise. Regards

    1. admin says:

      Dear Christiana, all information required for getting the past question is provided on the portal. You are to pay a sum of N1000 to Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept, Account No: 2026223520 Bank: First Bank (Then send payment evidence to Alternatively, consider sending a Glo or MTN recharge card worth N1000 to As soon as the voucher is confirmed as valid the past question will be sent to you. Note that we have sold out to more than 100 individuals, incase you are nursing any doubts.

  6. Moses .O. says:

    Good day sir.
    Are you saying that the NSE Exam prep pack which includes the
    Past question and Answer – 23
    pages , consists of Part A (Objective
    test), Part B (Computer test
    Objective and theory) and Part C
    Presentation on Design
    Material on Engineering Practice in
    Engineering application of Info
    Introduction to Consulting
    Introduction to Cost Engineering
    NSE Computer related Questions
    Professional Ethics in Nigeria
    Maintenance in Engineering
    Practice and
    Legal Issue paper, and the contact of a registered Engineer for advise goes for only #500 mtn recharge card?

    1. admin says:

      Hello Moses, the Materials are available for a sum of 1000 Naira or Recharge Card equivalent. It used to go for #500 before November 2016. Please find payment instruction.
      Amount payable to

      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.
      Use Exam prefix before “Name” as payer eg. NSE Segun Ogez

      2. Send payment evidence and your email address to send sms to 07052193183 for enquiry.

      As soon as the payment is confirmed, the soft copy of the Past question/ebook will be sent to you by mail.

    1. admin says:

      Dear Jude,

      Thank you for contacting us. We provide past question and study materials for NSE. However, we will like to inform you that the NSE study pack now sells for N1000 since November 2016.

      Payment can be made to our bank account or 1000 equivalent of MTN/GLO recharge card sent to this email. As soon as the your payment is confirmed, the study pack will be sent to you.

      Be kind to tell us how you got to know about Knowbase Library.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde (
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Dear Odiong,

      Thank you for contacting us. We provide past question and study materials for NSE. However, we will like to inform you that the NSE study pack now sells for N1000 since November 2016.

      Payment can be made to our bank account or 1000 equivalent of MTN/GLO recharge card sent to this email. As soon as the your payment is confirmed, the study pack will be sent to you.

      As requested, you can send the recharge voucher to this no: 07052193183. Kindly specify if voucher is MTN or Glo.

      Be kind to tell us how you got to know about Knowbase Library.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde (
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Dear Ayodele, thank you for contacting Knowbase. You can share a screenshot of the payment confirmation – that will suffice. Wishing you success as you prepare for the NSE Exams.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde (
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Dear Hassan,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Please note that the NSE Exam prep pack sell for 1000 Naira. The amount payable to
      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      Upon confirmation of payment, the study pack will be sent to you, will would also connect you with an NSE and COREN registered Engineer who is in position to answer any questions you may have..

      We look forward to hearing from you.

      Warm Regards,
      Olorunfemi Babatunde (
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 1000 Naira only.
      Amount payable to
      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      Send payment evidence and your email address to

      As soon as the payment is confirmed, the soft copy of the Past question/ebook will be sent to you by mail.

        1. admin says:

          Dear Akinwale,

          Thank you for contacting us.

          Pls note that Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 1000 Naira only.
          Amount payable to
          Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
          Account No: 2026223520
          Bank: First Bank.

          Send payment evidence and your email address to

          As soon as the payment is confirmed, the soft copy of the Past question/ebook will be sent to you by mail.

    1. admin says:

      Dear Ayodeji

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Pls note that Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 1000 Naira only.
      Amount payable to
      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      Send payment evidence and your email address to

      As soon as the payment is confirmed, the soft copy of the Study pack will be sent to you by mail.

  7. ifesola says:

    Pls I will like to know which range of years is covered in the materials you have for download,also will like to know if the answers to the questions are also provided

    1. admin says:

      Dear Ifesola,

      Our NSE study pack currently contains One past question and answer (1999) and the attachments listed below. Individuals who used it to prepare for the 2016 exams and passed confirmed to use that the study pack is very useful.

      Past question and Answer – 23 pages, consists of Part A (Objective test), Part B (Computer test Objective and theory) and Part C (Essay).
      Presentation on Design Fundamentals
      Material on Engineering Practice in Nigeria
      Engineering application of Info Technology
      Introduction to Consulting Engineering
      Introduction to Cost Engineering
      NSE Computer related Questions
      Professional Ethics in Nigeria
      Maintenance in Engineering Practice and
      Legal Issue paper

  8. sandra says:

    Good morning I am also interested in getting the past questions for the NSE exams which is stated in two weeks time.please guide me on how I can get them. i would love to send a voucher please give me a valid mobile number to send it to or preferable an email address. Thanks

    1. admin says:

      Dear Gbenga, we dont have 2016 Past Questions, the examination questions are no longer allowed to be taken out of the exam venue. However, individuals who have purchased our Study pack and sat for the exams gave positive feedback. We would also give you contacts of individuals who have sat for and passed NSE exams shd you need their advise.

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for contacting us Idowu. Kindly note that we do not have a recent past question. However, individuals who have recently purchased the study pack and sat for the exams says its still useful and valuable.

      Please note that the NSE Exam prep pack sell for 1000 Naira, amount payable to
      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      Upon confirmation of payment, the study pack will be sent to you, will would also connect you with an NSE and COREN registered Engineer who will guide you on how to go about your technical report and answer other questions you may have..

      We look forward to hearing from you.

      Warm Regards,
      Olorunfemi Babatunde (
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Our Study Pack now covers 2016 – 2006 Past Questions. Currently sell for NGN 1000. From Jan 2018 it will sell for NGN 2500. To purchase, pay 1000 Naira to the account below and send confirmation mail to
      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Promise, Apologies for the delayed response.

      Thank you for your interest and enquiry.

      Our NSE Study Pack includes questions from 2016 – 2015 and other years exclusive of year 2017.

      The study pack sell for N2000 beginning from Jan 1, 2018. The Amount is payable to our Bank Account, see details below:

      Application Wheel Koncepts
      First Bank

      We look forward to your patronage and wish you success ahead of the exams.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde –
      Library Administrator

  9. Ezekiel says:

    I tried to reach you on the phone number but it was not going. How I’m I sure I will be able to reach you on that number after making payment?. I tried reaching you on 07052193183

    1. admin says:

      Hello Ezekiel, the mobile no is reachable, kindly try again.

      Thank you for your interest and enquiry.

      Our NSE Study Pack includes questions from 2016 – 2015 and other years exclusive of year 2017.

      The study pack sell for N2000 beginning from Jan 1, 2018. The Amount is payable to our Bank Account, see details below:

      Application Wheel Koncepts
      First Bank

      We look forward to your patronage and wish you success ahead of the exams.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde –
      Library Administrator

    1. admin says:

      Did you read the information available on this portal Aliyu? The information available remains valid pls.
      I have repeated it below here

      Thank you for contacting knowbase.

      Please note that the resources on Knowbase are available for viewing only.

      Downloading the material comes at a little premium – 1000 Naira only.
      Note: Recharge card payments have been discontinued.

      Amount payable to:
      Account Name:Application Wheel Koncept
      Account No: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      Use Exam prefix before “Name” as payer eg. NSE Segun Ogez

      2. Send payment evidence and your email address to send sms to 07052198183 for enquiry.

      As soon as the payment is confirmed, the soft copy of the Past question/ebook will be sent to you by mail.

      We are working towards making payment via MasterCard, VisaCard and Paypal available. In the meantime, consider cash lodgement at the bank and mobile/online transfer.

      Library Administrator

      Olorunfemi Babatunde
      Library Administrator

  10. Maure says:

    Good day. Please, I would like to get the NSE past questions and answers urgently.How much does it cost now? How many years questions does it contain? What’s the mode of payment?

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for your interest and enquiry.

      Our NSE Study Pack includes questions from 2016 – 2015 and other years exclusive of year 2017.

      The study pack sell for N2000 beginning from Jan 1, 2018. The Amount is payable to our Bank Account, see details below:

      Application Wheel Koncepts
      First Bank

      Upon payment, send us a screenshot of the payment notification at, we would send the Study Pack upon receipt of payment.

      We look forward to your patronage and wish you success ahead of the exams.

      Olorunfemi Babatunde –
      Library Administrator

  11. peter says:

    hello admin,
    i need past question for mechanical that are recent. I also need infomations on exam formalities and venue in abuja. expecting your response. 08030641263

    1. admin says:

      Dear Peter, thank you for contacting us. Kindly note that the same examination question is administered to all irrespective of discipline. We have Past Questions covering 2008-2016 and other study materials.

  12. Nsa says:

    Admin, I have an HND in Mechanical Engineering since 2007. Can I still apply for membership into NSE?
    Secondly, does NSE admit members irrespective of the grades they graduated with?

  13. Emeka says:

    Please I need the past questions and all the NSE stuffs to help me prepare for both NSE exams and COREN, am preparing for the September 2018 batch. Please how can I have it. will it include the 2018 april diet questions? how much?

  14. Aremu says:

    Good day to you..
    Please, i need NSE past questions starting from April Diet 2018 downward, and will like to know how many past questions or number of pages or year range contained in the ebook before I purchase – can you please indicate?.
    I am particularly interested in Electrical Engineering related questions because I was told that the Questions are now been Section according to area of profession since 2017.

    Thank you.

    1. admin says:

      Dear Aremu,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      The NSE Past Questions we have covers 2006-2016. We are making efforts to get it updated to 2018, however, those who have used our study pack over the years, including those who sat for the April 2018 diet confirm that the Study Pack is useful, helpful and relevant.

      NSE Study pack is available for download on Q and A App. Download Q and A App from Playstore and locate the NSE materials from the Professional Exams section of the App. Here is the link to the App on Playstore

      If you do not have an Android phone, do not hesitate to contact us.

      Q and A Team

    1. admin says:

      Dear Zakari,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Find a list of on available NSE materials and their rates.
      The Study Pack, Past Questions from 2006-2016 sells for N2000.
      Sample NSE Technical Report Sells for N500
      Sample COREN Report Sells for N500
      We have a Bonus material that sells for N200
      NSE Study pack is available for download on Q and A App. Download Q and A App from Playstore and locate the NSE materials from the Professional Exams section of the App. Here is the link to the App on Playstore
      If you do not have an Android phone, make payment to the account details below. Upon payment receipt/confirmation, we would send you the materials by email.

      Find our account details below
      Application Wheel Koncepts
      Acctno: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      After purchase of our study materials, we would connect you with NSE registered members who are in position answer any NSE related questions you have.

      Q and A Team

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Find a list of on available NSE materials and their rates.
      The Study Pack, Past Questions from 2006-2017 sells for N2000.
      Sample NSE Technical Report Sells for N500
      Sample COREN Report Sells for N500
      We have a Bonus material that sells for N200

      NSE Study pack is available for download on Q and A App. Download Q and A App from Playstore and locate the NSE materials from the Professional Exams section of the App. Here is the link to the App on Playstore

      If you do not have an Android phone, make payment to the account details below. Upon payment receipt/confirmation, we would send you the materials by email.

      Find our account details below
      Application Wheel Koncepts
      Acctno: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      After purchase of our study materials, we would connect you with NSE registered members who are in position answer any NSE related questions you have.

      Q and A Team

  15. Mercy says:

    Hi, please confirm i can get recent past questions. have troubles reaching you on the mobile line on the trail messages.
    please advice on how i can access this questions as i have on access to Google play store.

  16. Okundye Destiny says:

    Good day to you..
    Please, i need NSE past questions starting from April Diet 2019 downward, and will like to know how many past questions or number of pages or year range contained in the ebook before I purchase – can you please indicate?.
    I am particularly interested in Electrical Engineering related questions because I was told that the Questions are now been Section according to area of profession since 2017

    1. admin says:

      Dear Okundye, thank you for reaching out. Our NSE study pack covers questions from 2005 – 2017. Over 300 individuals have used it and many have come back to say it was very useful. We also have sample technical reports.

      Kindly download the Study pack from the Professional Exam sections of Q and A App. Install the App from Playstore
      (The information you have requested is provided in the product description on this page).


    Hi Admin
    i have read a lot of things on this website but cant hold on the the recent update on how to get the past questions and all that i need to know about NSE exams, a lot of complications. pls help me out for the recent update on how to get past questions. thanks

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Find a list of available NSE materials and their rates.
      The Study Pack, Past Questions from 2006-2018 sells for N2000.
      Sample NSE Technical Report Sells for N500
      Sample COREN Report Sells for N500
      We have a Bonus material that sells for N200

      NSE Study pack is available for download on Q and A App. Download Q and A App from Playstore and locate the NSE materials from the Professional Exams section of the App. Here is the link to the App on Playstore

      If you do not have an Android phone, make payment to the account details below. Upon payment receipt/confirmation, we would send you the materials by email.

      Find our account details below
      Application Wheel Koncepts
      Acctno: 2026223520
      Bank: First Bank.

      After purchase of our study materials, we would connect you with NSE registered members who are in position answer any NSE related questions you have.

      Q and A App Team

        1. admin says:

          We acknowledge payment receipt and have sent the Study Pack to your email. Pls respond to the email with your discipline to enable us send the appropriate material.

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